Date Page Title on Article Contents
Friday, October 6, 1967 pf1 Nicola Music
Friday, October 27, 1967 pf5 Summer & Fall Music
Friday, September 20, 1968 pf4 Symphonic Musings VSO season hype
Friday, September 27, 1968 pf12 Musical Backsides VSO hype: upcoming first concert
Friday, October 4, 1968 pf4 Subliminal Submusic Student Union Building Muzak
Friday, October 18, 1968 pf12 The VSOund of Music VSO first concert review, VSO hype
Friday, October 25, 1968 pf7 The feel of  music Sex in music
Friday, October 25, 1968 pf8 Backside: Pfreview VSO hype/concert review
Friday, November 1, 1968 pf8 VSO offers cheap thrills VSO hype
Friday, November 8, 1968 pf3 In praise of Cheap Thrills Record review: Deep Purple, Crown of Creation, Cheap Thrills
Friday, November 15, 1968 pf7 Pfmusic VSO hype (Whale concert)
Friday, November 22, 1968 pf3 The Whale VSO concert review
Friday, November 29, 1968 pf6/7 Portrait of an Assassin Lloyd Burritt interview
Friday, January 10, 1969 pf4 Musical Exposé VSO and UBC festival hype (Feldman), Beatles White album
Friday, January 17, 1969 pf3 Perverse Symphomania LP review: Deep Purple Book of Taliesyn
Friday, January 24, 1969 pf2 Wildroot revival LP review: Zappa Ruben and the Jets
Friday, January 31, 1969 pf4/5 Interview Norman Stanfield; UBC music hype (feedback)
Friday, February 7, 1969 pf2 PfMusic Hype: VSO (Bernet); Cluderay abused, Man is musical
Friday, February 14, 1969 pf2 Musical Bitchiness LP review: The United States of America
Friday, February 28, 1969 pf3 VSO takes off! Concert review: VSO, Bernet
Friday, March 7, 1969 pf3 Crotchets and Quavers Hype: Soldier Schweik, VSO, Village Bistro
Friday, March 21, 1969 pf3 Krakatoa Soundtrack review
Friday, March 28, 1969 pf4/5 In Praise of the Beach Boys Analysis and interview
Friday, March 28, 1969 pf9 See Hear Productions Audio magazine review (issue #1)
Friday, March 28, 1969 pf10 Backside Looks Forward Hype for various festivals, continues on pf8
Tuesday, September 9, 1969 5 Buffy's bomb Concert analysis
Friday, September 12, 1969 pf6 Hot poop (musical mumblings) Pop festivals, VSO/VOS hype, Poppin, Spring, House of Stein (continues)
Tuesday, September 16, 1969 5 Lepftovers LP record: Blind Faith (as Mark Jacques)
Friday, September 19, 1969 pf7 PFMusic Colonial Music Hall info; Salome hype; Neil Godin in Province
Tuesday, September 23, 1969 5 Variety offered at CBC Festival Festival hype
Tuesday, September 23, 1969 5 Seeds steal first show at Colonial Concert review (as Mark Jacques)
Friday, September 26, 1969 pf2 Wanna see a dirty opera? VOA Salome hype; LP reviews: Deviants, Zager and Evans
Tuesday, September 30, 1969 5 Bad temper doesn't produce… Concert review: The Deviants; Hot Poop (as Mark Jacques)
Friday, October 3, 1969 pf3 Nilsson: Soulful Nostalgia LP review; Hot Poop
Tuesday, October 7, 1969 5 Symphonics VSO review (Ogdon/Schumann) (as Joseph Quaglieu)
Tuesday, October 7, 1969 5 Salome Opera review
Friday, October 17, 1969 pf2 Musical Murmurings LP review: Abbey Road; VSO hype - Julian Bream; CKLG criticism
Tuesday, October 21, 1969 5 VSOunds Concert Review: VSO with Bream
Friday, October 24, 1969 pf7 More Heaviness UBC Special Events criticism; VSO hype (Romeros)
Tuesday, October 28, 1969 5 Erogenous thrills Bo Diddley, Little Richard, Albert Collins
Friday, October 31, 1969 pf3 Quig Tells All!  Party after concert, Laura Nyro
Tuesday, November 4, 1969 5 A difference of opinion Donovan concert review -- with Nate Smith (feedback)
Friday, November 7, 1969 pf6 Musical Crap Various: Northcott concert hype; LP review - Lightfoot; Hot Poop
Friday, November 14, 1969 pf3 Ubyssey Musical Column VSO with Northcott, Montoya and Taj Mahal hype, trip to Seattle
Tuesday, November 18, 1969 9 The wrong perversions Movie review: De Sade (as Mark Jacques)
Tuesday, November 25, 1969 15 Best Opera in Town VOA review: Elixir of Love (Page is for Friday, Nov. 21)
Friday, November 28, 1969 pf4 Quigley Quirps Best LPs of the Year; 20/20, Led Zeppelin, Chicago, etc.; VSO hype
Friday, January 9, 1970 pf7 Muzak Hype Poppin; VSO hype, LP review: Feliciano; Hot Poop
Friday, January 9, 1970 pf6 PF Records LP review: Lighthouse
Friday, January 16, 1970 pf7 Byrds Flight LP review: Dr. Birds and Mr. Hyde
Friday, January 23, 1970 pf7 Record Review LP reviews: Poppy Family, Surf Symphony (as Mark Jacques)
Tuesday, January 27, 1970 5 Logic loses out to schizophrenia Criticism of Province critic Brian McLeod
Friday, January 30, 1970 pf3 Pretentions '70 Musical collage
Friday, January 30, 1970 pf4 dada poETrY our very own pOmE
Tuesday, February 3, 1970 5 A Rock Masterpiece LP review: Pink Floyd Ummagumma (see also interview)
Friday, February 6, 1970 pf7 Record Review LP reviews: Kinks, Mancini Six Hours, De Sade (as Mark Jacques)
Friday, February 6, 1970 pf8 Rock Book: "the best so far"  Book review: The Story of Rock
Tuesday, February 24, 1970 5 Bladders and boors VSO concert review (Bela Siki)
Friday, February 27, 1970 pf3 Musical Diarrhea Hype for VSO and UBC Contemporary Music Festival, etc.
Tuesday, March 3, 1970 5 Symphony mingles … VSO hype: Schafer piece (which never happened)
Friday, March 6, 1970 7 Hot Poop Schafer's piece is cancelled (no byline)
Tuesday, March 10, 1970 5 Symphony Triumphs VSO review: Young Uck Kim; local concert hype
Friday, March 13, 1970 pf7 Record Review LP reviews: Chicago 2, Byrds Preflyte, Blue Mink, etc. (some Mark Jacques)
Friday, March 13, 1970 pf3 What's Happened to the VSO? VSO analysis (difficult to read)
Friday, March 20, 1970 pf5 A Compfosition Music: Jeannette
Friday, March 20, 1970 pf4 Record Review LP reviews: Female Prisoner; Guess Who (as Mark Jacques)
Thursday, March 26, 1970 pf7 See Hear #2; Cascading Crap Audio magazine review; VSO hype
Friday, October 2, 1970 pf4 Symphony VSO hype (as Mark Jacques)
Friday, October 9, 1970 pf8 Symphony Opens VSO review: MacMillan, Haydn, Elgar, Lutoslawski (as Mark Jacques)
Friday, October 30, 1970 pf7 Symphonic Stuff VSO review: Macal (as Mark Jacques)
Friday, November 6, 1970 pf6 Symphonic Stuff VSO review: Pentland, Henze, Bach & Ravel (Entremont) (as Mark Jacques) 
Friday, November 27, 1970 pf7 Symphonic Stuff VSO conductor speculation; VSO concert review - Bernardi (as Mark Jacques)
Friday, November 27, 1970 3 Bun in Oven Fund Charity parody (as Laura Lachrymose)
Friday, January 8, 1971 pf6 Symphony Concert review: Menuhin (as Marque Jaques)
Friday, March 26, 1971 9 Fishy overwhelms Sun Women's Section parody (as Petulia Petulant)
Friday, February 11, 1972 27 Alternate papers bicker Quoted in story about Grape/GS conflict