Welcome to my X-Files Corner.
With the departure of the show from Vancouver after the fifth season, this site has not much new material. Most of the items below were taken from Vancouver newspapers and other Canadian media, starting in 1994 with an interview on the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation -- national radio) with Gillian Anderson that I transcribed and posted to alt.tv.x-files (and which became the basis of my first X-Files web page). Other items were sent to me from Internet pen pals in places like Australia and Japan.
Despite my interest in the show, I never once ran into either cast or crew filming, although I participated in the grand finale of the fifth season filmed in General Motors Place, the local hockey/basketball stadium and the "Cancer Benefit" which preceded that. I also attended the party for the third season finale which featured numerous cast members, and in my Internet technical support job, I had to call up someone in the X-Files office (they were our customers) to give them help. (I didn't know who the customer was in advance, so when someone at the other end answered "The X-Files," I just about fell out of my chair.)
If you're planning a visit to Vancouver, there are plenty of X-Files locations to explore. A book called Reel Vancouver by Ken MacIntyre, published by Whitecap Books in 1996 (ISBN 1551105063, available at places like Amazon), has a 40-page chapter on X-Files' locations up to the end of the third season. I have scanned in the front cover and back cover of this book.
In 1999, a book about the X-Files in Vancouver called X Marks The Spot -- On Location with The X-Files (ISBN 1551520664) was published, written by location managers Todd Pittson and Louisa Gradnitzer. It includes plot synopses for all the Vancouver-produced episodes, and lots of trivia and interesting information about where the shows were filmed. It contains over 150 photographs of sets, locations, cast and crew. Click on this link to see the cover.
Another item of interest released late in 1999 was the VHS video X-Philes, a look at X-File fandom. There are interviews with Vancouver actors Dean Haglund and Bruce Harwood as well as fans, including myself seated in front of a room at the 2400 Motel, used in filming some episodes, as well as glimpses of some local scenery. This video used to have its own website where you could order it, but not any more. If you go to YouTube and search for "kerry mccluskey x-philes" without the quote marks, the documentary is there. I can be seen in Part 2 at 4:24 and in Part 4 at 4:20 (keep watching, I show up again at 5:55). This documentary can also be found on the video page (see below).
Since I have done anal-ytical reviews of various TV shows (Hawaii Five-O/Five-Zero, The Invaders, Kojak, Mission Impossible reboot, Peter Gunn and Streets of San Francisco ), I have often thought of doing the same for The X-Files ... but that is a bit too much for me at this point in my life. However, Paula Vitaris did this in Cinefantastique back in the 1990s, and I have managed to track down issues of this magazine at the Internet Archive and have selected just the pages which contained Paula's reviews for seasons one to seven which are now hosted on my site. Enjoy!
In 2019, I was on the verge of throwing out about a dozen VHS tapes with X-Files related stuff on them. Back when the show was on, I would record just about anything I could get my hands on that was X-Files related on TV: appearances by the stars on talk shows, tidbits from gossip shows, even complete episodes of programs where the stars made an appearance.
With the advent of the <video> tag in HTML 5, things became easier for me to host videos on my web site, so I have created a separate video page for my X-Files material. These videos are organized in the same way the original tapes were, which does not necessarily mean these are in some kind of logical order.
Many of these videos are undated, but if you have information relating to the dates or have any questions about them, contact me by clicking here.
As of April 2024, I have restored the video page which was offline for a couple of years. I have removed the talk show appearances like Letterman, Leno, Conan and Rosie O'Donnell, because they are more likely found on YouTube these days, and have kept what I thought might be more obscure items and clips showing things that happened in Vancouver.
I have also uploaded a few X-Files videos to a YouTube page featuring other clips connected with my main interest, Hawaii Five-O.
Some of the pictures accessed via links below are very small, because in the old days (1990s), bulletin board systems and places where you could look at things on the Internet charged you by the kilobyte for "traffic"...
PICTURES FROM CANCER BENEFIT, SEASON FINALE -- April 20 and 21, 1998 in Vancouver. THE X-FILES FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions).
- Feature article (X-Files stuff only)
- Cover picture, an old stock shot with Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny
- Picture from index page of Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny
- First page of article with David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson looking through a tangle of roots
- The "X-Files" at San Francisco Expo
- X-Files CD-ROM scenes
- Mulder's office as seen at X-Files Expo
- Cover picture, Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny looking very serious
- Full page picture of Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny
- X-Files stars (Mulder, Scully, Skinner, Deep Throat, X, Maria)
- X-Files stars (Samantha, Lone Gunmen, Jeremiah, CSM, Ratboy, Manicured Man)
- Gillian Anderson and David Duchnovy, from the index page
- Gillian Anderson and Dennis Franz at the Emmy Awards
Vancouver Province says David Duchovny is all wet!! (October 16, 1997)
Letters to The Province as a result of the above article (October 17, 1997)
David Duchovny is barred from Vancouver strip club (October 20, 1997)
Newspaper ad connected with the above (Vancouver Province, October 20, 1997).
Publicity stunt re David Duchovny's weather whining goes awry (Vancouver Province) (October 21, 1997)
Publicity stunt re David Duchovny's weather whining goes awry (Vancouver Sun) (October 21, 1997)
Cartoon from Vancouver Sun (October 22, 1997) about the David Duchovny weather flap.
Interview with Nicholas Lea (Alex "Ratboy" Krycek) (Vancouver Sun) (December 2, 1997)
"The truth is in here" -- several feature articles (Vancouver Province) (February 8, 1998)
Wiil X-Files stay with addition of young Vancouver actor? (Vancouver Sun) (February 10, 1998)
Article on William Gibson and his X-Files episode "Kill Switch" (Vancouver Sun) (February 14, 1998)
Interview with David Duchovny (Vancouver Sun) (February 17, 1998)
Max Wyman writes of his experience as an X-Files extra (Vancouver Sun) (February 28, 1998)
X-Files creator bids B.C. sad adieu (Vancouver Sun) (March 30, 1998)
X-files' exit doesn't mean dark time for B.C. industry (Vancouver Sun) (March 31, 1998)
It was X-citing, it was X-ellent (Vancouver Province) (March 31, 1998)
The X-Files Vancouver/L.A. frequent flyers (Vancouver Province) (March 31, 1998)
The Gillian Files (Vancouver Sun) (April 18, 1998)
X-files chief Goodwin not moving (Vancouver Sun) (April 20, 1998)
My night as an X-Files X-tra (Vancouver Province) (April 23, 1998)
X-Files bids Vancouver a tearful farewell (Vancouver Sun) (May 16, 1998)
Director of photography Joel Ransom ponders his X-Files future (Vancouver Sun) (May 18, 1998)
Duchovny raps media (Vancouver Sun) (June 10, 1998)
William Davis, TV's most beloved bad guy (Vancouver Province) (February 7, 1999)
Four interviews from CBC radio:
November 19, 1994 RealTime interview with Gillian Anderson.
March 16, 1996 RealTime interview with Gillian Anderson.
X-Files fans on The Afternoon Show (including me).
Chris Carter interviewed on The Gabereau Show.
Gillian Anderson:
Gillian Anderson interview, from CBC TV's Midday.
Gillian Anderson interview -- Steve Wright's People Show on BBC1.
Gillian Anderson on IRC after her RealTime appearance Sept. 21, 1996.
Article on Gillian Anderson from The Philadelphia Enquirer.
Report on Gillian Anderson's appearance at the Los Angeles X-Files Convention.
Gillian Anderson and Chris Carter meet the press, taking a break from the XF movie.
Gillian Anderson in Australia:
Aussie news coverage of Gillian Anderson's Australian visit.
Gillian Anderson arrives in Australia (June 1996, from Aussie newspaper)
Gillian Anderson greets mob of fans in Sydney, Australia (from Aussie newspaper)
Gillian Anderson pictures from Sydney, Australia Sunday Telegraph: (#1) (#2) (#3) (#4)
Gillian Anderson on the Australian Midday Show
David Duchovny:
Interview from TV Critics' Press Tour, 1999 *** NEW! ***
Chris Carter:
An interview with Chris Carter from Sci-Fi Entertainment magazine.
Vancouver Sun interview with Chris Carter, info about the 4th season (July 25th, 1996).
Articles about The X-Files in general: Vision Quest, article about The X-Files from Reel West magazine.
From Saturday Night magazine, Closing The X-Files (not very complimentary).
From the Vancouver Sun: "The X-Files - the truth isn't in there"
Some Pictures:
The Aussie Rolling Stone picture with David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson and Chris Carter in bed!
David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson in bed with David Duchovny's dog Blue -- #1, #2, #3, #4
The Aussie Rolling Stone cover -- large size and in colour!
Outstanding picture of Gillian Anderson from TV Guide.
New book on Gillian Anderson, "Mulder, It's Me" -- front cover
Back cover from "Mulder, It's Me", Gillian Anderson embraces David Duchovny
Picture of David Duchovny in a tank top (from Canadian TV Guide)
David Duchovny in sex scenes (PG)
Sensational picture of Gillian Anderson in a leopard skin bikini from Aussie tabloid
Picture of Gillian Anderson arriving in Australia (EXCLUSIVE!)
Gillian Anderson and her ex-husband Clyde Klotz.
Gillian Anderson and her ex-husband Clyde Klotz in their daughter Piper's bedroom (Piper is not present).
Some Blooper Reels:
The X-Files Blooper Reel Contents (Season One)
The X-Files Blooper Reel Contents (Season Two)
David Duchovny's father speaks out: "I don't understand my son at all."
Vancouver Sun interview with Dean Haglund (Langly).
Vancouver Sun article on Fran Levin, X-Files makeup artist.
Vancouver Sun article on Toby Lindala, X-Files makeup artist.
Amanda Tapping, the woman who slept with Skinner!
Tribute Magazine from June 1998, distributed in Canadian movie theatres, with cover story on the X-Files. *** NEW! ***